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joi, 3 ianuarie 2013

Happy NEW Year,2013!

RO:La Multi Ani,2013!Iata ca am pasit in noul an mai fericiti,mai cu un ochi in cate o revista de moda,mai cu un ochi la programele de la televizor,dar e ca am ajuns pana aici?Am mai crescut,ni s-a schimbat felul de gandire,iar de la banalele reviste "Bravo","Bravo Girl" am trecut la treburi serioase!Parca ieri am vazut fetele cu reviste "Seventeen","Glamour","Cosmopolitan" si "Glam Girl" in genti luate de la cel mai vintage store de pe coltul strazii din centru.Am devenit adolescente boeme,gandindu-ne la cat de stupid era sa vorbim cu "fa" sau "fata" sau sa avem acel comportament de "cartier".Cel putin ma refer la persoanele care au avut acest fel de comportament!Pentru celelalte...Bine ca nu mai trageti la fiecare magazin cu dulciuri sa va inecati tristetea in zahar!Caci 2013 e un an fara ghinion (vorbeste tipa a carei zi de nastere pica intr-o vineri 13 in anul 2013...#awkward)..Depinde de cum il incepeti!
     Blogul "My life" ramane neschimbat,cu postari la sfarsit de saptamana.Se pare ca a trebuit sa vina Anu' Nou sa mai intru sa vad cum mai merge treaba pe aici...Anyway,rubricile vor fi,ca de obicei(acum doar le amintesc):
                    *-Star StorY
                    *-Boys Love
                    *-Fun stuff(remember,teste,glume,etc...)

              Stay tuned! Postari de 2013...here we go!! :)

ENG:Happy New Year,2013!Here we are again,on the same blog,after a break of...5 months?I was looking trough the posts from the past years...I was so excited to see that this blog lasted for 3 years,it's just amazing!Or..should I say...amaZAYN?Nah,this just too carrot-like...So I stepped in the 1D fandom,so I'm a directioner..follow me on Twitter at @lexy_saunders and..maybe we'll talk over there about..anything?!
      Anyway..after almost a half of year,I grew up and...yeah kinda changed.I'm into vintage now..Haha,not only that.
     Returning to our main story...2013 won't attract bad luck!(the girl with her b-day on 13 September 2013 is talking..)#awkward..
          The blog "My Life" didn't change,with posts at every end of the week.The categories are:
-Star StorY
-Boys Love
-Fun stuff
        Stay tuned! 2013 posts,here we go!