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luni, 6 februarie 2012

About Home Alone 5

RO: Secret project:Home Alone 5!
Introducere:Intr-un cartier mic din New York,un cartier foarte linistit,acolo locuia o familie.Familia McCallister.Tatal,Jim,mama,Anne,si copiii,Chelsea si David.
    Jim este mai mult omul-de-afaceri,el fiind tipul care aduce banii in familie.Anne este acel fel de femeie careia ii pasa de familie,si de slujba,si de bani.Chelsea,de 15 ani,este asa o fata!Tot timpul ii pasa doar de muzica,liceu(primul ei an) si de baiatul-ei-de-vis: Josh.Fratele ei mai mic David mereu o enerveaza,fratele mic care are 7 ani.niciodata prea mare pentru a o enerva pe Chelsea.
         Actiunea se petrece cu o saptamana inainte de Creciun.La scoala lui Chelsea alegerile incep.Alegeri pentru titlul de "Domnisoara Craciun".David trebuie sa faca un proiect despre o familie fericite in Ajunul Craciunului.Amandoi copiii trebuie sa faca lucruri importante pentru viitor.Dar parintii lor au alte planuri pentru acest Craciun...!:)

ENG:In a small neighborhood from New York,a very peacefully neighborhood,there lived a family.The McCallister family.The father,Jim,the mother,Anne,and the children,Chelsea and David.
     Jim is more a businessman,he is the guy who brings money in the family.Anne is that kind of woman who cares about family,and about work,and about money.Chelsea,who is fifteen,is such a girl!All the time she cares only about music,high school(her first year)and about her dream-boy:Josh.She is always annoyed by her little brother,David,who is just a seven years old boy,never too old to annoy his sister.
      The action is taking place with a week before Christmas.At Chelsea's school the elections for the title of "Mrs.Christmas" began.And David has to do an important project about a happy family in the Christmas Eve.Both kids had to do important things for their future,but their parents have another plan for this Christmas...!

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