▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄MÜŝįк is My Life▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄

joi, 30 decembrie 2010


Poate unii dintre voi nu au inteles despre ce e vorba in poveste(nu aveati de unde intelege caci nu v-am explicat nimic...:P)Deci : Jessica(georgy-one of my BFF) este sora mai mare a lui Crystal(je-aici de fata) si a lui Rebeccah(andrea-alta BFF).Jess(cum mai este numita) are grija de toata casa si de fetele celelalte,avand si un servici suplimentar.Gandindu-se ca nu mai are timp pentru tot,il angajeaza pe Cody Martin(Cole Sprouse) sa aiba grija de fete-fiind babysitter.Cody se gandeste si el ca va avea nevoie de HELP asa ca il ia cu el si pe Zack Martin(Dylan Sprouse) ,fratele lui.Cei 4(5 caci Jessica mai apare in cateva faze comice) vor trece prin cele mai trasnite aventuri impreuna deci,succes la citit.Dupa ce voi scrie tooaaaaaaate episoadele le voi si traduce.Deocamdata mai am de lucrat la episodul 2 caci am scris doar part 1!

Episode 2-The girls and ghost

C:Alright,now I gotta go to music .
Z:At 11 o'clock,PM?
C:Yeah,the teacher just called me
CY: k,but can you take Rebeccah too?
C:No,I don't think so!
C:I love my life!Bye!

Z:And what we're going to do?
CY:Well,Rebeccah is picking her nose and I am going to watch a movie.
Z:And what I suppose  to do?
CY:Eat,drink(only juice!)and you can pick your nose too,but don't make any noise,ya' hear me?

CY:Maybe what?
Z:Maybe I'll pick my nose later :P:P:P...But  tell me about the movie.

CY:It name is A HAUNTING
Z:Hey,that's on Discovery!
Z:Not even Cody is looking at that.

CY:Sure,and I'm the annoying orange from the kingdom of Youtube
Z:Nice to meet you,I'm New York!
CY:If you want to watch the movie,give me some popcorn
*After that,Zack was still watching the show,with the lights off;And Cody enters with the lights off too*
Z:Don't enter there!
Z: AAAAAA!!!!!!!You really  scared me,man!
CY:Who is here?Except you Rebeccah!
CY:No,Jessica(CY is angry in this part,don't know why-maybe because she waked up)
R:*being sleepy-she's going to Cody*O,Hi Jess!You have a new haircut!And,you wear Cody's clothes?

R:Well,yes!Whoa!What happened with your voice?
C:No,I mean it's not Jessica,it's me,Cody!
R:What happened here?

C:I can ask the same thing!
Z:You know,we were just watching  A HAUNTING AND.....
                                            To be continued

Episode in RO.....

Zack&Cody..........Episode 1 in RO 
 -Ok,soro,il voi astepta.
 -Este elev la scoala mea si e foarte bun ca babysitter!
-Dar am 17 ani!
-Stiu,stiu ,dar cand eram acasa erai ca o tornada deci......
       *Cioc Cioc*                
-Cineva bate la usa.Tre' sa plec paaaa!
C:Buna,imi pare bine sa te cunosc.
CY:Buna,sunt Crystal si tu esti.....
C:(intrand in hol)Sunt C....Dumnezeule!
CY:Imi pare bine sa te cunosc:D:D:D.Ea e sora mea(Cea mica) Rebeccah!
Z:(uitandu-se la o harta-am uitat sa scriu asta data trecuta)Hey,omule,era sa ma pierd si....(uitandu-se prin casa)Imi place casa asta!
CY:Buna,numele meu e Crystal si ea e Rebeccah.
Z:Numele meu e Zack.
CY(in mintea ei):E destul de dragut!!!
C:Deci,mai intai voi citi regulile!(Cody se va aseza pe canapea si canapeaua se va duce....in jos...)Whoa!!!

R:Asta e canapeaua ucigasa-filmul
C:Zack,pot vorbi cu tine pentru cateva secunde?
Z:D,de ce nu?
C(incepand sa plenga0sa se smirocaie mai exact):Ce voi face,tipule?Mobila o sa ma omoare!!!
Z:Doar concentreaza-te la munca ta.De ce nu incepem cu o ora de curatenie?
C:Ok, e ok
Z:Si inceteaza sa mai plangi ca un soarece!
C:OK,e ok       Fetelor,     e timpul sa curatam tot gunoiul.Sa incepem cu camera  lui Rebeccah.Zack,vei scrie ce-ti voi zice eu.
Z:*Intrand in camera*Bine,voi scrie ce.....in ce am calcat?
R:*Luand o "PORTIE":           Continue altadata

miercuri, 29 decembrie 2010

Episode in english.....

Hi,again!Salut again!Fiti atenti la cel mai tare lucru pe care l-am descoperit anul acesta!Am aproape aceleasi preferinte ca ale lui Dylan si Cole Sprouse!!!Tare faza,stiu!Recunosc ca sar putea s ava par putin cam obsedata dar am facut rost de cateva poze cu ei,asa ,pur si simplu cu grija si cu bagare de seama...Si am inceput sa scriu un serial nou ca si continuare a serialelor THE SUITE LIFE OF ZACK AND CODY si THE SUITE LIFE ON DECK,numindu-se ZACK AND CODY,COME ON GUYS,gandindu-ne ca cel doi se intorc si din hotel si de pe punte si....va las pe voi sa decideti!Cei care nu stiu engleza trebuie sa astepte pana data viitoare si vor vedea.
                                          Episode 1-...Babysitter...(prescurtari:Jessica<J>;Crystal<CY>;Zack<Z>;Cody<C>)
Crystal(17):Alright,sis,I'll wait 4 him!
Jessica(18):He'a student at my school and he's a good babysitter
Crystal:But I'm 17!
J:I know,I know but when I was home you were like a tornado so...
                     *Knock Knock*
CY:Somebody's knocking at the door ,bye!
C:Hi,nice to meet you.
CY:Hi,I'm Crystal and you are....
C:(entering in the hall) I'm C...OMG!
CY:Nice to meet you :D:D:D!!!This is my sister(the younger one),Rebeccah.
Zack:(looking to a map) Hey,man,I was lost and...looking in the room):I like this house!
CY:Hi,my name's Crystal and she's Rebeccah.
Z:My name's Zack
CY:(in her mind):He's pretty hot!
C:So first,I will read the rules(Cody is going to sit down and the sofa ...is going down<It was Rebeccah 's fault!>C:Whoa!
R:This is the killing sofa-the movie!
C:Can I talk to you for a few seconds,Zack?Please?
Z:Sure,why not?
C:(started to cry:)))What I'm going to do ,man?The furniture is killing me!
Z:Just focused on your job.Let's start with a "clean hour "!
C:Okay,that's okay
Z:And stop crying like a mouse!
C:Okay,that's okay!
           *In the living room*
C:Girls we gonna clean all the mess.Let's start with Rebeccah's room.Zack,you'll write what I'll tell you.
Zack:*Enter in the room*K I'll write what...in what I stepped?
R:*Has a taste of that *:It's easy!That's ice-cream with tomato sauce.Here,have a taste!
Z:No thanks,I'm vegetarian...
Z:Hey,Rebeccah,you have a collection with bugs!
R:No,I don't
Zack&Cody:*Get out of the room screaming*
C:k,Let's go into Crystal's room.So,here we have :orange juice on the carpet,dirty widows and what is this?
CY:Oh,it's the dress of my older sister.It' was a joke,'cause I put some orange juice in the washing machine and then the dress and this is the result!
Z:HI5!But I have a question!Where did you have so much orange juice?
CY:Well,Rebeccah took the credit card and bought it.As you see,she isn't so good  in shops.
C:You think?
Rebeccah:Hey,it was an accident!Who leave a little girl alone into a shop?
both girls:JESSICA!
J:Who called me?
CY:Is her fault!
J:Oh,nice to see you Cody*Blush* and....oh it's you,Zack............
Z:Yeah,the aliens didn't captured me.Rebeccah:You know each other?
ALL:Yes.Why are you asking?
Rebeccah:It was a simple question,Why are you killing me?*she started to cry -false tears-duh-:P*
CY:Sure,you are crying and I am the Elisabeth ,second,England,Elisabeth Queen,you know what I mean.
Rebeccah: Yes,Why are you asking?
*somebody is calling Jessica-an important telephone and she must go *
J:I should go now.See you tomorrow;Bye,Cody!
C: k,let's  sleep!
CY:But it's just 8 o'clock.
C:Who are you,the goddes of time?
CY:.........in the morning.......
Z:Let's eat!
Z:Omelet with ham and mushrooms.

CY:What?Ya' still think that we're 4 years old?
R:I got a better idea!Let's eat pizza or
CY:spaghetti or
C:Or how about cereals?
GIRLS:yea,it's okay,alright,why not?
Z:What kind of?
R:I want with chocolate!
C:Beep!Incorrect!You must say "PLEASE"
CY:But I must say that you're annoying ...too annoying.Relax!Take it easy!
Z:*looked at his watch*I gotta go.
CY:Where are you going?
Z:I'm a volunteer at school and ....you're at school too,right?
CY:Yes,I'm not with the abandonement ,I'm bored in math,and I have  a good  tehnique  to get rid of music :I must say "My Stomach Hurts " and *klap* you're done!
Z:So get dressed and let's go!
CY:Really?......I mean......Really?
             *after 23 minutes*
Z:Are you ready now?
Z:Not now?

CY:I'm coming!
Z:*on the stairs*:Don't move!
CY:Why?It's a cobra  here?If it is ,it's alright,if it's a piton,S.O.S>

R:*in  the kitchen*Ooo,this is an S.O.S,don;t want the second.........What are you looking at?
C:A cobra?In Boston?Seriously now!
                -the ending:At school:at the gate of the school:
CY:Girls first!
Z:O,thank you!Hey!!!
I don't feel like a girl now!
CY:But then,you'll feel like one!(in the girl's bathroom):
With some make-up here,there and.....you're ready!

R:(outside):Oooo,this is an S.O.S.....
Z:No,I don't want to know!!!
                                    THE END

luni, 6 decembrie 2010

Despre orasul meu

parcul Tineretului

aici,Biserica Banu

un izvor
vulcanii noroiosi

sarea lasata de raul Buzau

pentru impatimitii sportului,stadionul Gloria

chilia de la nucu

o padure,toamna

palatul de pe platou,noaptea

tot palatul
Locul in care m-am nascut si am copilarit este un  loc magic.Am atatea sa va arat: palatul,vulcanii noroiosi,o padure ,toamna,chilia de la nucu si multe altele.Sa lasam imaginile sa vorbeasca:


Salut!Numele meu este Alexandra,am 12 ani si sunt din Buzau,un oras super tare din Romania.Eu stau chiar langa scoala(ce noroc pe capul meu!) , si  chiar sunt de acord cu asta (90%) ;)
Sa va mai zic cate ceva despre mine:
-Numele meu:Chirca Alexandra Andreea
-Ziua de nastere:13.09.1998
-Nascuta in Buzau
-Parola mea preferata:Kitty
                         LA SCOALA
-Clasa:6  C
-Subiecte preferate:Engleza,Romana
-Nr elevi in clasa mea:28

-Joc video:nu conteaza atata timp cat nu este un joc plictisitor
-Filme:stapanul inelelor,piratii din caraibe
-Animal preferat:lup
-Carte preferata:Apus de Soare
-Revista preferata:BRAVO si BRAVO GIRL
-Locul in care as vrea sa ajung:California
-Mancare preferata:Orice care nu e orice :)):)):))
-Pizza:cu pepperoni ,LOL
-Culoare preferata:portocaliu
-Muzica:pop,rock(Avril Lavigne,linkin park,muse,paramore,shakira,justin bieber,jesse mccartney,Beyonce,)