Fetele si moda,moda la fete,ce se poarta ACUM!!!
Fetele se pregatesc din timp,inaintea unui eveniment important,sau chiar inainte de scoala.Toate care mai de care stau in fata oglinzii sa se aranjeze,insa dupa posibilitati....Moda inseamna ceea ce se poarta acum,dar si ceva "demodat" poate fi din nou in top;exemplu:tunsorile de la The Beatles!Am vazut multa lume avand astfel de tunsori,si chiar nimeni nu a comentat!Oricum,anul acesta, la capitolul MACHIAJ sepoarta:
-machiajul natural,care sa aiba o nuanta cat mai apropiata cu cea a pielii;un fond de ten deschis, rejul deschis la culoare,cum ar fi un roz sters.
Imprimeurile de leopard isi mai pierd din valoare,.Negrul total nu este foarte cautat,nici foarte recomandat,.Blugii ar trebui sa fie "o idee mai lalai";Bluzele pe gat nu mai sunt la moda deloc,Rochiile lungi,in bretele cu imprimeuri florale sun tsuper CUTE!De purtat in vara anului astuia!Pantofii cu tocuri extrem de subtiri nu vor mai fi la fel de cautate..Culorile anului vor fi cele deschise,care ne exprima caldura sufleteasca si veselie,cum ar fi portocaliul,galben.Acestea ar fi niste idei de vara,insa iarna , ca si gecutza sau,pardesiu,trebuie sa purtam::: gecile negre,albastre ,un albastru marin,rosii,in carouri,.
Jeansi de culoare gri=sexy;cat mai mulati,LOOL!
Va spuneam mai devreme despre jeansii evazati ca sunt la moda.Da,sunt,dar ce-ar fi sa combinam la ei si o pereche de tocuri..CONTINUARE EPISODUL 8
♥ஐ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄MოÜŝįк is My Life▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ஐ♥
sâmbătă, 26 februarie 2011
joi, 24 februarie 2011
Adolescenta----->ep. 5
Baietii si activitatile
Fie ca sunt acasa,pe teren,in pauza,in ora......baietii se distreaza!Iata ce fac unii tipi pe care ii stiu eu ca s anu se plictiseasca intre orele de mate:
-Cativa de la 6D joaca bashet .......ce ziceti de asta?Dar sa nu credeti ca e asa de usor,dar incercati!
-Cei de la 6C(cls. mea :P...nimeni nu-i ca ei!)joaca fotball....e sport comun,dar e vorba de echipa..
pe cine sa va dau exemplu in afara de cei mai tari?
Fie ca sunt acasa,pe teren,in pauza,in ora......baietii se distreaza!Iata ce fac unii tipi pe care ii stiu eu ca s anu se plictiseasca intre orele de mate:
-Cativa de la 6D joaca bashet .......ce ziceti de asta?Dar sa nu credeti ca e asa de usor,dar incercati!
-Cei de la 6C(cls. mea :P...nimeni nu-i ca ei!)joaca fotball....e sport comun,dar e vorba de echipa..
pe cine sa va dau exemplu in afara de cei mai tari?
Adolescenta---->ep. 4
Baietii si personalitatea
Fiecare baiat avea personalitatea sa in sec XX . Acum,insa , toti baietii sunt la fel:ingamfati,mereu gata sa devina "cei mai smecheri".Dar fiecare ar eo personalitate diferita ,in adancul sufletului.,probabil,dupa nume.Iata cateva nume de baieti,si personalitatea lor:
ALEXANDRU:e foarte insistent,dar are si ceva bun in el:nu injura prietenii cand nu e nevoie
BOGDAN: cum spune semnificatia numelui"DARUL LUI DUMNEZEU" ,ma refer ca majoritatea sunt de gasca
DRAGOS:foarte ,foarte,foarte nebun,in sensul ca vrea doar sa se distreze,si uita ca exista si responsabilitate
DANIEL:se prosteste in fiecare moment al zilei
EMIL:timid,si totusi nu prea
GABRIEL:nu se satura niciodata sa fie sarcastic
GEORGE:vedeta peste noapte
MIHAI:excese scrie pe el
ROBERT:incearca sa ii tina pe toti cu zambetul pe buze,chiar daca el nu poate
SEBI:multa lume ar vrea sa fie ca el
TRAIAN:nu te speria si de umbra ta omule
VALENTIN:amigo,ar trebui sa intri in scary movie!!!!
Fiecare baiat avea personalitatea sa in sec XX . Acum,insa , toti baietii sunt la fel:ingamfati,mereu gata sa devina "cei mai smecheri".Dar fiecare ar eo personalitate diferita ,in adancul sufletului.,probabil,dupa nume.Iata cateva nume de baieti,si personalitatea lor:
ALEXANDRU:e foarte insistent,dar are si ceva bun in el:nu injura prietenii cand nu e nevoie
BOGDAN: cum spune semnificatia numelui"DARUL LUI DUMNEZEU" ,ma refer ca majoritatea sunt de gasca
DRAGOS:foarte ,foarte,foarte nebun,in sensul ca vrea doar sa se distreze,si uita ca exista si responsabilitate
DANIEL:se prosteste in fiecare moment al zilei
EMIL:timid,si totusi nu prea
GABRIEL:nu se satura niciodata sa fie sarcastic
GEORGE:vedeta peste noapte
MIHAI:excese scrie pe el
ROBERT:incearca sa ii tina pe toti cu zambetul pe buze,chiar daca el nu poate
SEBI:multa lume ar vrea sa fie ca el
TRAIAN:nu te speria si de umbra ta omule
VALENTIN:amigo,ar trebui sa intri in scary movie!!!!
miercuri, 23 februarie 2011
Adolescenta---->ep. 3
Baieti si gasca lor sunt nedespartiti!Cand o fata vrea sa-l intrebe pe "SEF" ceva banal,de genul:ce ora avem?,nu i se poate raspunde pentru ca in jurul respectivului mai sunt inca 10000 de suflete masculine care ii distrag atentia.Plus ca baietii din ziua de azi nu mai se uita dupa fetele destepte,doar dupa cele cu fund atragator si cu sani ceva mai opulenti.Dar nu trebuie sa se faca o criza pe tema asta.Deci,fetele,nu va ganditi sa plangeti daca baiatul visurilor voastre nu va accepta,sigur va aparea cineva special.
contactati-ma la ID-ul alexia_cutegirl .Pentru orice intrebari.Nu exista intrebari fara raspuns!!!!
Baieti si gasca lor sunt nedespartiti!Cand o fata vrea sa-l intrebe pe "SEF" ceva banal,de genul:ce ora avem?,nu i se poate raspunde pentru ca in jurul respectivului mai sunt inca 10000 de suflete masculine care ii distrag atentia.Plus ca baietii din ziua de azi nu mai se uita dupa fetele destepte,doar dupa cele cu fund atragator si cu sani ceva mai opulenti.Dar nu trebuie sa se faca o criza pe tema asta.Deci,fetele,nu va ganditi sa plangeti daca baiatul visurilor voastre nu va accepta,sigur va aparea cineva special.
contactati-ma la ID-ul alexia_cutegirl .Pentru orice intrebari.Nu exista intrebari fara raspuns!!!!
Adolescenta---->ep. 2
Deci,fetelor,de la aceasta alimentatie nesanatoasa puteti face rost de ...cosuri.Bine,alimentele "acelea"(chipsurile,ciocolata,cartofii,produsele de tip fast food)nu sunt implicate direct in aparitia cosurilor,dar grasimea din ele cresc aciditatea pielii.La fel actioneaza si produsele pe baza de lapte.Asta nu inseamna sa nu mai consumam.Doar sa nu facem excese.Vorba aceea,"ce e mult,strica".Exista multe feluri de cosuri:cele cu cap alb,cosurile inflamate,cosurile sub piele si punctele negre.
Desigur , exista cateva metode de a va feri de ele:
-baia de aburi
-curatarea fetei
-degetele jos!(nu mai pune mana pe fata asa des ,se va ingrasa tenul!)
Desigur , exista cateva metode de a va feri de ele:
-baia de aburi
-curatarea fetei
-degetele jos!(nu mai pune mana pe fata asa des ,se va ingrasa tenul!)
Adolescenta---->ep. 1
Deci,dragii mei, ne-am ocupat pana acum de Zack&Cody, gandindu-ne doar la amuzament.Insa nu ne-am gandit demult(de cand am inceput eu sa postez) sa scriem si despre adolescenta.Este o perioada foarte schimbatoare.Atatea greutati,atatea neintelegeri.....nici nu iti mai vine sa te gandesti si la altceva in afara de aspect
(fetele0 si la gasca(baietii).
(fetele0 si la gasca(baietii).
Sa ne impartim pe din doua si sa vedem ce preocupa pe ambele genuri:
Fiinta sensibila,misterioasa si mai ales neinteleasa este fata.Baietii pur si simplu nu inteleg de ce fetele trebuie sa stea atat de mult timp in oglinda machiandu-se ,aranjandu-se si imbracandu-se.De ce?Ganditi-va baieti,daca o fata ar veni la scoala spre exemplu nearanjata v-ati bate joc de ea,ati rade si i-ati zice:MUMA PADURII.Fetele trebuie sa se aranjeze pentru ca acesta este un "BLESTEM" al feminitatii.
Nu exista fete urate,exista doar fete care nu au grija de ele.
Chiar si fetele gresesc atunci cand fac excese.Spre exmplu:in oras,cu prietenele,nu ne deranjeaza sa luam un suc,trecem pe la fast-food .sau acasa,in fata televizorului,in timp ce il urmarim pe Guiellrmo cum se desparte de Natasha,rontaim o ciocolata.GRESIT!Din cauza acestui obicei....puteti capata...*asteptati numarul urmator*:):):)
duminică, 6 februarie 2011
The best rivals part 1/3
You see guys,Rebeccah was a very unusual girl.She liked always j-rock(don't ask me what kind of music is that,I don't listen to it)but she was always angry.At school,she wasn't the best,but at that contest-who has the biggest mouth(about who talks more,and more,and more!)-She always wins.That's kinda weird,but,that's our Rebeccah.In the biology class she talks about the newest song from F.T. Island(a k-pop band) and in maths she talks about how many fans does Brad Pitt has-fan girls-on youtube.Anyway,like I said,Rebeccah is not so good at school.I'm sorry for her,but I love my life.In the next part of this episode you'll see what I'm talking about when I say that Rebeccah and a new girl,Caty,are THE BEST RIVALS!!!SEE YOU THERE and don't forget: POP AROUND THE BLOCK
sâmbătă, 5 februarie 2011
Halloween episodes-PART 3
CY:Alice,what did you think when you were in the bathroom.
P(puppet):Well,I thought that it will be like HIDE 'N' SEEK.Why not?How can you said NO at this cool idea?
P:Alright,alright,relax!Take it easy!
CY:I can't...
CY:Cody is coming...
P:Ops!I must hide!
CY:Go in my bedroom! Faster!
C:Who are you talking with?
CY:With......nobody!I mean,nothing,and...What are you doing here anyway?
C:Why are MY underpants PINK?
CY: Pff,'cause it's Rebeccah's fault!
C: k , see ya.
CY:Wow he was close,too close!
P:Yum!This chocolate it's delicious!
CY:Yeah,yeah,just hurry up and go into my desk.
P:What do you mean?
CY:Go and hide and......
Z:Crys. what are you doing?
CY:Nothing,I just...
C:Guys,Jessica is here!
P:Oh my god!
Z:Who said that?
CY:K,I said OMG!
Z:Jessica,your sister is too happy to see you!
J:I know that I missed so much time,but my school doesen't wait for me!
R:Where's Alice?
J:Who's Alice?
CY:Cody's girlfriend!
Z:I know,Cody can't even flirt with a NORMAL girl!
R:Yup,he's right!So,where's Alice?
J:Man,I'm new in this situation,don't you think?
Z:I can read on your head , Jess : I HATE THIS PART-PUSSYCAT DOLLS!!!
J:Sure,and tell me,who's Alice?
R:I'm first!So,Alice it'a super cute puppet,from a shop-a Halloween shop.
c:And it's not my girlfriend.
J:Well,that explains many things.
Z:And I put Cody's underpants in the washing machine with Rebeccah's red dress and with a lot of soap.
R:What did...
C:you ..
Z:Look,I'm sorry!
J:And,Crystal,now is your turn!
CY:And.....what a beautiful day,right?
C:yup,but we talk about that puppet.
CY:Is in my room.
*when the girls went in Crystal's room,the puppet ....was....gone!!!Mwhahahaha*
............... THE END...........
P(puppet):Well,I thought that it will be like HIDE 'N' SEEK.Why not?How can you said NO at this cool idea?
P:Alright,alright,relax!Take it easy!
CY:I can't...
CY:Cody is coming...
P:Ops!I must hide!
CY:Go in my bedroom! Faster!
C:Who are you talking with?
CY:With......nobody!I mean,nothing,and...What are you doing here anyway?
C:Why are MY underpants PINK?
CY: Pff,'cause it's Rebeccah's fault!
C: k , see ya.
CY:Wow he was close,too close!
P:Yum!This chocolate it's delicious!
CY:Yeah,yeah,just hurry up and go into my desk.
P:What do you mean?
CY:Go and hide and......
Z:Crys. what are you doing?
CY:Nothing,I just...
C:Guys,Jessica is here!
P:Oh my god!
Z:Who said that?
CY:K,I said OMG!
Z:Jessica,your sister is too happy to see you!
J:I know that I missed so much time,but my school doesen't wait for me!
R:Where's Alice?
J:Who's Alice?
CY:Cody's girlfriend!
Z:I know,Cody can't even flirt with a NORMAL girl!
R:Yup,he's right!So,where's Alice?
J:Man,I'm new in this situation,don't you think?
Z:I can read on your head , Jess : I HATE THIS PART-PUSSYCAT DOLLS!!!
J:Sure,and tell me,who's Alice?
R:I'm first!So,Alice it'a super cute puppet,from a shop-a Halloween shop.
c:And it's not my girlfriend.
J:Well,that explains many things.
Z:And I put Cody's underpants in the washing machine with Rebeccah's red dress and with a lot of soap.
R:What did...
C:you ..
Z:Look,I'm sorry!
J:And,Crystal,now is your turn!
CY:And.....what a beautiful day,right?
C:yup,but we talk about that puppet.
CY:Is in my room.
*when the girls went in Crystal's room,the puppet ....was....gone!!!Mwhahahaha*
............... THE END...........
joi, 3 februarie 2011
Halloween episodes-PART 2
And Crystal's going to....to......that shop.
CY:Man,they shall clean this part of the market.(Let's think at a part of a market that is locked and it's there is announcement that says:DO NOT ENTER THERE!FROM THE 19-TH CENTURIES.TAKE CARE,THERE ARE : SPIDERS,FRAMES,AND PROBABLY A FEW BROKEN PIPES AND .... EVIL......)
CY:Who cares?I must take that stupid puppet and get out of here.Where's that stupid puppet?
P(puppet):HERE I AM=>in the locked part.
CY:Who talked with me?
P: ME!!!!!!
CY :A!!Man,it's just a kid...Or I talk only with myself?
P: NO,with me!!!!
CY:WoW...I tought that the view is going first,but now,I really think that I was wrong.
P:Yeah,me too.
CY:See?I'm crazy and I'm only 17 years old!
P:So what?
CY:You are that puppet that Rebeccah likes?
P:Yes,that's me:puppet Alice.
CY:So.....let's go home.I think I like you.You're really cute.
P:Yes,I am.
CY:Nobody must know about you.
P:Not even Zack?
CY:Yup,not even h.....wait,where did you met Zack?
P:Well, Rebeccah telled me about him.Everything.
CY:And ?
P:And I know him.
CY:Man,when I was thinking that I'M CRAZY!
P:I know.Many people ....
CY: k, Let's go home.At my house.
P:My home was at the cemetery...
P:My mother died in 1756.
CY:Awww ,poor puppet.
CY:Ssh!Go on the peaks.
*Rebeccah was on the kitchen.Why?She was preparing a pie.*
R: Crys , what are you doing?
CY:Rebeccah,I thought that you're at MRS. Simpson....Being gone.
R:Nope,Mrs. S is gone.
CY:Alright,so tell me what are you doing.!*crystal is making a sign to Alice the puppet-that sign informes you that you shall go to the bathroom or in the bedroom like in hide and seek.*
R:Well i"m..
CY:Gotta go,bye!
R:Where are you going?
CY:To the bathroom 'cause the light is.....now ON>
R:It wasn't on,it was OFF!!!
CY:Well,'cause Zack is in the bathroom.
R:And why do you want to go there if it's somebody there?
CY:Because.....because....because Zack is with Cody outside.
R:Nope,you already telled methat he's in.
CY:No,you're crazy!
R:I tought that the view is going first.
CY:Me too!
CY:Man,they shall clean this part of the market.(Let's think at a part of a market that is locked and it's there is announcement that says:DO NOT ENTER THERE!FROM THE 19-TH CENTURIES.TAKE CARE,THERE ARE : SPIDERS,FRAMES,AND PROBABLY A FEW BROKEN PIPES AND .... EVIL......)
CY:Who cares?I must take that stupid puppet and get out of here.Where's that stupid puppet?
P(puppet):HERE I AM=>in the locked part.
CY:Who talked with me?
P: ME!!!!!!
CY :A!!Man,it's just a kid...Or I talk only with myself?
P: NO,with me!!!!
CY:WoW...I tought that the view is going first,but now,I really think that I was wrong.
P:Yeah,me too.
CY:See?I'm crazy and I'm only 17 years old!
P:So what?
CY:You are that puppet that Rebeccah likes?
P:Yes,that's me:puppet Alice.
CY:So.....let's go home.I think I like you.You're really cute.
P:Yes,I am.
CY:Nobody must know about you.
P:Not even Zack?
CY:Yup,not even h.....wait,where did you met Zack?
P:Well, Rebeccah telled me about him.Everything.
CY:And ?
P:And I know him.
CY:Man,when I was thinking that I'M CRAZY!
P:I know.Many people ....
CY: k, Let's go home.At my house.
P:My home was at the cemetery...
P:My mother died in 1756.
CY:Awww ,poor puppet.
CY:Ssh!Go on the peaks.
*Rebeccah was on the kitchen.Why?She was preparing a pie.*
R: Crys , what are you doing?
CY:Rebeccah,I thought that you're at MRS. Simpson....Being gone.
R:Nope,Mrs. S is gone.
CY:Alright,so tell me what are you doing.!*crystal is making a sign to Alice the puppet-that sign informes you that you shall go to the bathroom or in the bedroom like in hide and seek.*
R:Well i"m..
CY:Gotta go,bye!
R:Where are you going?
CY:To the bathroom 'cause the light is.....now ON>
R:It wasn't on,it was OFF!!!
CY:Well,'cause Zack is in the bathroom.
R:And why do you want to go there if it's somebody there?
CY:Because.....because....because Zack is with Cody outside.
R:Nope,you already telled methat he's in.
CY:No,you're crazy!
R:I tought that the view is going first.
CY:Me too!
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